Get to know me

I’m Alison Gifford and for the last 8 years I’ve helped clients to create a better life, one they thought they could only dream about.

As a pharmacist with 30 years experience, a clinical hypnotherapist and a life coach, I blend science, psychology and spirituality with a big spoonful of humour and warmth, to create a supportive, stimulating and challenging experience for my clients.

I will believe in you even when you don’t - and you’ll catch up with me during the course!

Being bullied at school in my early years left a long term mark which left me struggling with self-esteem and self-confidence. That coupled with difficult work and life events left me suffering from severe stress and anxiety.

Something had to change and fast. There was no way I could continue in this state.

So I harnessed my inner academic to discover many different skills and techniques that for some were on the edge of "woo", but also had research and evidence that showed they worked for many, and could for me too.

Step by step I learnt to manage my stress, work through mental blocks and false beliefs that the bullying left me with and found an inner confidence that enabled me to change my life for one that is more fulfilling.

I had always felt some part of me was disconnected - a little less that whole, and over the last few years I have realised that spirituality was the missing part. I had allowed the science to dominate and I needed to develop the part of me that loved all things "woo-woo"! In doing so I feel that my life has more balance and purpose - I feel whole and as though all parts of me are now connected and working in harmony. I help other women explore this aspect of their lives to make them feel this deep inner connection too.

I have brought together all that I have learnt on my journey to personal self confidence, and creating the life I dream of, to share it with you through my coaching and programmes - because if I can do this, then so can you!
