Personal Confidence Code Programme

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Confidence and self belief

10 Lessons

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Personal Confidence Code Programme


1 Lesson

Subscribers only

Let's get you going with a personal manifesto, to capture all the reasons why you are here on the course

Video lesson
Module 1: It's My Life

7 Lessons

Subscribers only

An intro to using the wheel of life exercise

Video lesson

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The first tool you will use in this module, is the Wheel of Life.

Text lesson

Subscribers only

Here is the wheel of life PDF to complete

Text lesson

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Intro to the personal values exercise

Video lesson

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Subscribers only

A useful exercise to help make the difference between values and goals clear

Text lesson

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Journalling Resources

1 Lesson

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A guide to starting to Journal

Text lesson

1 Lesson

Subscribers only


About the teacher


I’m Alison and I work with mid-life women to overcome anxious, negative and sabotaging thoughts and re-connect with your confident and calm inner self – because then life has more joy and fun and you can move closer to your dream future!
Using my life coaching and hypnotherapy skills, I can help you to change your life - after all, that's why you are here.

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